Opening hours

icon horaire été
Summer schedule

June 15 to august 31


11 am – 20pm

Fall schedule

September 14 to octobre 31

Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu
9am – 4pm

Fri / Sat / Sun
9am – 6pm

Closed from October 31st
to November 24th

Winter schedule

Novembre 23 to decembre 22

Thu / Fri 
9am – 5pm

Sat / Sun


Mon / Tue / Wed

Closed from December 22
to June 15th


Here are the admission prices, as well as the prices for our season passes.
*Access to the kiosk and boutique is free of charge*.

The Fir Pick Truck is accessible for free during the winter season. Purchasing a product at the winter dairy will allow you to visit the animal enclosure and enjoy campfires without any additional charges.

icone prix


Adult: $7
Children: $5
Family package: $20
2 years and under: free

icone saison

Season pass

Adult: $28
Children 3-12 ans: $20
Family package:
(2 children / 2 adults): $76

Please note that access to the site includes the playground, picnic areas,
the interactive animal enclosure, a visit to the barn and the educational room,
a walk through the field to see the different crops.

Do you have
any questions?

We look forward to hearing from you!